Kestrels (Year 3/4)

Kestrels has 8 Year Three children and 21 Year Four children in it. 

Kestrels are taught by Mrs. Laura Hall with TA support from Mrs. Karen Allen (mornings.) On Wednesday mornings Mrs. Allison Shaw teaches the class whilst Mrs. Hall has her PPA (Planning, Preparation and Assessment) time.   

In our classroom, we encourage our learners to use the 6Rs (Ready, Responsible, Reflective, Respectful, Resourceful, Resilient). This supports our children to become life-long learners and successful members of our community.

Throughout this term we will be focusing our learning on the theme ‘Emperors and Empires’. More information can be found in the curriculum information below.

The classroom is ‘open door’ so please ask any questions, share successes or concerns to support your child.