Our Governors

Welcome from the Chair of Governors

A big welcome to Pirton Governors Website page. 

We are a keen and enthusiastic Governing Body, a mix of parent governors and governors co-opted from the community, joined by the Headteacher and a staff governor. We have a wide range of backgrounds, giving us a good mix of skills and experience, please read our profiles below to learn more. We are all volunteers, serving a 4-year term, all wanting to ensure that every Pirton pupil has the best possible education and school experience. 

We do not manage the school, that is the role of the Headteacher and Senior Leadership team, instead we have an overseeing role. Developing the vision and strategic priorities for the school, having financial oversight, and working closely with the leadership team to monitor and provide supportive challenge. 

We do this by getting involved in school life in many ways. We have three specialist committees; Resources, Teaching and Learning and Premises and all governors sit on one or more and then we attend our Full Governing Body meetings every half term. Each governor has a link area that they oversee, and they arrange visits to monitor how things are going, liaising with the Head teacher and teachers, and reporting back. 

We also get to go to the more fun events, like celebration assemblies, coffee and chat and the school pantomime, when we have the chance to meet and interact with the children and parents. 

The members of our Governing Body are proud and privileged to be able to contribute to the leadership of Pirton School and we invite you to take the time to get to know us and please feel free to get in touch 

Vanessa Cole 

Chair of Governors. 


The Governing Body

  • Vanessa Cole, (Chair of Governors) Co-opted Governor
  • Nathan Gainford, (Vice Chair of Governors), Co-opted Governor
  • Jenn Magdeburg (Headteacher)
  • Sam McDonald, Staff Governor
  • Adrian Warner, Co-opted Governor (Safeguarding)
  • Owain Lister, Co-opted Governor (Health and Safety)
  • Kirsty Muldoon, Local Authority Governor (SEN Link Governor) 
  • Tom Wood, Co-opted Governor (EYFS Link Governor) 
  • Samantha Stanton (Parent Governor) 
  • Michaela Lalite (Parent Governor) 
  • Valerie Hudson (Associate Governor)

Vision, Strategy, Roles and Responsibilities

Governor Committees

Members of the Governing body are asked to serve on one of the following three committees:

  • Teaching and Learning (T and L) 
  • Finance and Resources
  • Premises

Each committee has a Chair and a secretary, with the Headteacher sitting on each committee. The Chair of Governors may attend any committee meeting. The committees meet approximately once a term to discuss and monitor relevant actions for their area of work. Through the committee minutes the full governing body is informed of these discussions and may be called upon to ratify decisions made.

Other responsibilities

  • Special Educational Needs (SEN): Kirsty Muldoon
  • Safeguarding and Children Looked After: Adrian Warner
  • Health and Safety: Owain Lister
  • Head Teacher’s Appraisers:  Vanessa Cole and Vacancy
  • Website compliance: Nathan Gainford
  • Pupil Premium: Vacancy

Governor Attendance and Pecuniary Interests