A Wedding in Wrens! 17th January 2025

We have had such a lovely week in Wrens. On Monday we had our first art lesson of the Spring term and created colourful tissue paper collages in the shape of a bear. This is because a lot of our learning has been centred around our focus text in Drawing Club which has been Goldilocks and the Three Bears. On Monday we also drew our own bear in Drawing club and wrote some adjectives around the bear to describe it. On Tuesday we celebrated Rex’s birthday! We also continued to explore our PE unit of dance and Miss Hughes and I got thoroughly stuck in and enjoyed dancing and moving around the hall in different ways! Our Thursday RE session was a highlight of the week and the children enjoyed learning about different wedding ceremonies and looking at, and trying on, the different wedding dresses I had brought in from various decades. 
In Phonics this week we have been learning the phonemes (sounds) for the graphemes (letters) x and y and we have also been learning about the tricky words me and be. Although we have only been back at school for 2 weeks, I can already see lots of progress in the children’s sounding out and blending and its lovely to see so many of you hearing your child read so often and recording this in their reading logs. In Maths this week we have been representing numbers using our fingers and physical objects such as counters and cubes and have been developing our mathematical language when explaining what we see and notice about groups of objects.  
I hope you all have a great weekend! 
Mrs Chattey and Miss Hughes